Monday, July 31, 2006

7/20 - 7/31 - Indianapolis, IN - Truck Repair

6/20-7/20 - Indianapolis, IN - Cabinet Making

7/15 - Seattle, WA - Mike & Jeannine's Wedding

7/3 - Indianapolis, IN - Hank III

6/25-7/31 - Indianapolis, IN - Hangin wit the folks

6/24 - Indianapolis, IN - Daniel's

6/19 - Milwaukee, WI - Wolski's

6/16-18 - Milwaukee, WI

6/15 - Milwaukee, WI - Tom and Sara's Wedding

6/13 - Minneapolis, MN - Trucky, where you at?

Thursday, July 13, 2006

6/12 - Seattle, WA

6/11 - Seattle, WA - Wedding After-Party

6/11 - Seattle, WA - Tom and Carla's Wedding