Monday, April 17, 2006

4/16 - Venice Beach, CA

4/15 - L.A., CA - Uncle Rob and Cousin Layne's

4/8 to 4/14 - Monterey, CA - Aaron's

4/8 - Panoche, CA Or Thereabouts

Friday, April 07, 2006

4/7 - Sequoia National Park, CA - Sherman Tree

4/7 - Sequoia National Park, CA

4/6 - Death Valley, CA - Badwater

Lowest Point In The U.S. - 248 Ft. Below Sealevel

4/6 - Death Valley, CA

4/5 - Las Vegas, NV - Casinos

They All Look The Same

4/4 - Las Vegas, NV - Kerrick & Tim's

4/3 - White River Narrows, NV - Climbing Again

4/2 - 4/3 - Alamo, NV

4/2 - White River Narrows, NV - Climbing